Dharma Yoga

The 4 Immeasurables: Maitri, Karuna, Mudita, and Upeksha.


Today is my wedding anniversary.  I am filled with love and joy and gratitude.  And so, today this post is dedicated to love.  You can’t really LIVE without it.  Many of the principles that yoga teaches are easily applied to a loving relationship.  The word yoga itself means “to come together”; “to unite”; “to attain what was previously unattainable”.

By embracing the 4 Immeasureables as discussed in Pantanjali’s Yoga Sutras, we have a wonderful support system that encourages positive attitudes and behaviors to create a fufilling relationship.

These 4 sublime attitudes are: Maitri (Lovingkindness)  It is a gentle, loyal acceptance with a deep sense of appreciation and regard. Karuna (Compassion) “ It is the intention and capacity to relieve and transform suffering, to lighten sorrow.” The Buddha described karuna as the “quivering of the heart” we experience when we are open and able to truly see suffering and are moved to do something about it”.  Mudita (Joy)  “True love brings joy, and mudita is the joy we take in the simple pleasures. When we love, joy seems to surround and pervade us”.   Upeksha (Equanimity)  “ It is the ability to feel  a connection fully, without clinging or possessiveness.”

Through these immeasurables we can talk honestly and openly without harm,  we can cultivate a greater awareness of our partner’s needs and put those needs before our own, revel in the simple joys of the everyday, feel a greater connection that allows us to trust that we are always with each other and that this love is constant.  A knowing that this love is greater than ourselves and that all beings are tranquil, happy, and aware of their gifts and accomplishments.  We in turn then feel interconnected to everyone and everything.

As Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said:  “Love is the supreme blessing of life; love as love is universal.  Personal love is concentrated universal love.  Ah my heart flows when I say: Personal love is concentrated universal love.  The ocean of universal love flows in the streams of individual love.  What a blessing in life.”


Juicing for Your Health.


In this case it is actually, DRINK.  Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are one of the best things that you can put into your body.  Fresh juices are a wonderful source of vitamins, minerals, live enzymes and phytochemicals.  By juicing rather than eating you are giving your body all the life giving benefits of the plant without having to work so hard at digesting.  Therefore, the results of juicing are felt almost immediately.   It’s a great way to get an early morning burst of energy and a great way to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet.  You might not be able to eat 6 carrots, an apple, a beet and some ginger for breakfast, but you can easily juice them.  Already, you have knocked off the equivalent of 4 servings of fruits and vegetables in one easy to drink delicious glass.  So why not just grab one of those new “all natural” juices in the easy travel plastic containers off the shelf?  The major reason is that these juices are all pasteurized.  While pasteurization may kill unwanted potential bacteria, it also kills everything else along with it.  You are left with none of the vitamins minerals and enzymes that naturally occur in fruits and vegetables; you are left with sugar water.  Do yourself and your body a favor invest in a juicer.  Start incorporating just one juice a day.  You will look better, feel better, and have more energy almost immediately.  Happy juicing!

Red Sky at Night

  • 6 carrots
  • 1 apple
  • ½ beet
  • 1 inch knob of ginger

Juice together and drink immediately.  If ginger is not your thing you can omit it.  Yum!

Ted’s Green Juice

  • 3 large leaves of Swiss chard or Spinach or Kale
  • 1 cucumber
  • ¼ lemon
  • A handful of parsley
  • 1 apple (quartered, seeds removed)

Juice together, and then drink immediately.

Check out:

Amazon.com for a great selection of juicers at prices for every budget.

Dharma Mittra: Maha Sadhana. The Great Practice On DVD.

Maha sadhana 1

Maha sadhana 2

When you can’t get to the guru, the guru has to come to you.  We are fortunate that we  can practice at home with Dharma Mittra with Maha Sadhana  (The Great Practice) levels 1 and 2.  These DVD’s are comprehensive. They include many options for Asana practice in both length and difficulty.  There are wonderful lectures by Dharma, guided pranayama and meditation and a special asana workshop.  There is no one quite like Dharma, his humility and deep love for the practice of yoga shine through the screen.  I am not usually a fan of practicing yoga with a DVD but in this case, it is almost essential.   It is as good as it gets without being in his presence.

To preview or purchase the dvd go to:



Or purchase from:



Delicious Young Thai Coconuts.


The young thai coconut is one of my favorite things to eat.   In Sanskrit, the coconut palm is known as kalpa vriksha, meaning “tree which gives all that is necessary for living”   Both the liquid and the meat inside are very different from a traditional brown skinned mature coconut.  The liquid is almost clear with a faint scent of almonds and the meat can vary from thin and soft  to a thicker meatier texture. Coconut meat is an excellent source of medium chain fatty acids, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Fresh coconut water contains lauric acid, b vitamins, potassium, and electrolytes. Eating a coconut can prevent heart disease and lower cholesterol.  It can instantly rejuvenate you when you are feeling dehydrated.

Where to find them?  That can be the tricky part.  If you live in a city you are in luck as they are readily available in any Asian market. Whole Foods and Fresh Direct are now carrying Young Thai Coconuts every day in the produce section.  Most major grocery stores can order them for you if you ask.  You can also order on line, but the shipping cost due to the weight of the coconuts makes ordering this way extremely expensive.

Do something wonderful for your health, drink fresh, delicious coconut water.  Use the meat in smoothies instead of dairy or soy for a rich creamy consistency.  Seek them out, it is worth the effort.  Happy coconut hunting!

Dharma Mittra and the Dharma Yoga Center.


There really aren’t words sufficient to describe Dharma Mittra.  He is more than a teacher, he is an example.  He is the real deal.  He is “yoga”.  In an era where yoga has become a business, Dharma quietly teaches and practices with the humility of the new kid on the block.  The only difference is that he has been teaching in New York since 1967.  One of the first classical yoga teachers in New York City, Dharma has been inspiring students for more than 40 years.  He can still be found Monday through Thursday at noon teaching his Master Class. There is nothing quite like being in the presence of Dharma, with the look of an eye or the touch of a finger he has the ability to bring you into a pose you never thought possible.  His kindness and love for all beings is what yoga is all about.   Expand your practice.  Expand your heart.  Expand your consciousness.  “Be receptive.”

To learn more about Dharma Mittra and The Dharma Yoga Center go to:  http://www.dharmayogacenter.com/welcome.php